It seems to me that the holidays change every year. When I was little, it was definitely all about the presents and what Santa brought me. Now, I still look forward to the presents, but don't expect as much from them. I'm happy that people thought to think about me and get me something, be it small or large. It's much more about being with the people I love and care about, even if they drive me nuts every once in awhile.
It's been a pretty quiet weekend - wedding on Saturday, church on Sunday, and basically just hanging out at my house with my family watching movies. Man, I've been a slug all weekend. It's kind of nice though, to just be able to sit around and do nothing and not worry about anything else that supposedly needs to be done.
This week should be interesting. I think my best friends and I are going to go check out downtown this week so we know what's available for my friend's bachlorette party in June, if indeed, there is anything to do here in Wichita... I'm looking forward to it though, at least it will be more entertaining than planning for Romeo and Juliet.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
'Tis the Season
So, I'm back at home for about a month. So far it's been kind of crazy! I had Christmas on Sunday with my dad's side of the family. It was pretty fun. This year I was a "kid" so I had a present that was just for me and not part of the white elephant gift exchange. My cousin bought me a red bag/purse thing that will be handy for student teaching! Other than that, this week so far has been busy finishing decorating the tree (since no one seems to do it but me), doctor's appointments, and last-minute shopping. I finally got to see my two best friends and my godson today - I guess we're doing Christmas tomorrow night since we all have other plans for the weekend. Each year Christmas changes just a little bit, but it's a nice change, if that makes any sense.
I finally figured out my new iPod shuffle that my boyfriend bought me for Christmas. I have to be the most technologically challenged person alive... It's really fun though, I just wish my ears were a little bigger so the earphones would stay in :)
I finally figured out my new iPod shuffle that my boyfriend bought me for Christmas. I have to be the most technologically challenged person alive... It's really fun though, I just wish my ears were a little bigger so the earphones would stay in :)
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Here Today, Gone...Saturday

Ah! My hand hurts after writing for an hour and a half straight, but I am done with my finals! I turned my literacy narrative and FYS reflection in yesterday, took two finals this morning, and am just waiting for my Critical Theory professor to post the assignment on Blackboard so I can submit that paper and be finished. Tomorrow, I’m going to go observe the classroom that I’m going to be student teaching in next semester. I’m kind of excited about it, but not so excited about the school starting at 7:30 am part. C’est la vie. One more step till I actually have to be an adult and part of the real world…
On another note, Drake Dance Team is in the Times Delphic today! This is the first campus publicity we’ve had. The pictures are pretty good, though the one on the website is different from the one in the paper. Check it out here….
I need to start packing, though at the moment that seems like a really daunting task…
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Drake Dance Team Baby!!!
We just performed at the Drake Men’s Basketball game! It went really well, although it was kind of hard to get into it since the alumni/people there weren’t really into the whole dance thing… It was still really fun though. Our premiere performance at a Drake basketball game! On top of that, Drake won!!! So, it was an exciting night all around. I can’t wait until we perform again February 9th at the Women’s game… we’re starting to learn our new dance this week and will have to learn it quickly when we get back from break so we can perform, but it should be fun. Back to studying for finals – I get to take mine Thursday.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
The Papers are Finished!!!
I am finally done with my papers!!!! I have been working on my Literacy Narrative for English 183 since September. Finally, after four months, three completely different drafts, multiple revisions and many many hours, I have finished it!!! It is 25 pages long, and has gone in a direction I was never planning on it going when I started writing it, but it’s actually kind of interesting. I feel like I learned a lot about myself as a student and as a future educator…. It’s the last paper I’ll have to write for awhile, and the longest one I’ve ever had to write, not to mention the only paper I’ve ever spent four months on…
My paper for Critical Theory is finished as well, at least I think it is. It’s a psychoanalysis of the system of Education. Again, it’s actually kind of interesting how much the multiple theories of Psychoanalysis can be used to explain a system like education. One of my Education professors told me I should send the paper in to an Education journal and see if I can get it published… maybe not the whole thing, but pieces. We’ll see, that would be really cool though – to be published in an Education journal before I graduated.
Right now, I’m just trying to get through this week before I go home. I was able to get my Education finals moved so I can go home and be with my family for Christmas, since we’re celebrating it on the 17th. I realize I’m fortunate to have professors who understand, but I’m glad they’re letting me take my finals early! Drake Dance Team is performing this Tuesday at the boys’ basketball game, which I’m really excited about! Five more days before break begins for me, then student teaching in January…
My paper for Critical Theory is finished as well, at least I think it is. It’s a psychoanalysis of the system of Education. Again, it’s actually kind of interesting how much the multiple theories of Psychoanalysis can be used to explain a system like education. One of my Education professors told me I should send the paper in to an Education journal and see if I can get it published… maybe not the whole thing, but pieces. We’ll see, that would be really cool though – to be published in an Education journal before I graduated.
Right now, I’m just trying to get through this week before I go home. I was able to get my Education finals moved so I can go home and be with my family for Christmas, since we’re celebrating it on the 17th. I realize I’m fortunate to have professors who understand, but I’m glad they’re letting me take my finals early! Drake Dance Team is performing this Tuesday at the boys’ basketball game, which I’m really excited about! Five more days before break begins for me, then student teaching in January…
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