Friday, March 30, 2007

Last Performance :(

Tonight was my last performance with the Drake Dance Team :( We performed at Relay for Life. It went pretty well I think, though when we finished there was a really awkward pause before people started clapping. I was later told it was because they weren't sure if there was more because there were a lot of pauses in the music... Oh well, I felt pretty good about it. I'm kind of sad it's done, but at the same time I'm kind of glad because I get to go to sleep before 11:30 on Mondays and Thursdays now.

On another note, I have booked our flights to Vegas!!!!! I'm really excited about it and I think it's going to be a lot of fun. I'd like to be able to take her to Hoover Dam and maybe the North rim of the Grand Canyon, but I still have to work on the whole renting a car thing since neither one of us is 25. I think that's so stupid. You can get a license at 16, are considered an adult at 18, can drink at 21, but can't rent a car until you're 25. Who came up with that baloney? It just makes things really difficult for those of us who are responsible and want to go on trips... Oh well. That's how it goes I guess. I think I may have found one or two places that won't charge and arm and a leg to rent a car, so that's always a possibility!!!

I'm exhausted. After we danced, I went and walked at Relay for Life for probably an hour and a half or so, but I couldn't do much more because my legs were jello and I've been up since 6. This is the first year I participated in Relay for Life. It's a really good cause.

I should really just go to bed, but since I don't have to really get up to do anything tomorrow, I feel like I can or should do something else - not school related of course. I'm sure I'll find something else to keep me occupied for at least a little longer :)

Thursday, March 29, 2007


So, I think my interview went really well today. At least I felt good after it, I don't know what the interviewers thought... It's really kind of intimidating to 1)teach a lesson in front of students you don't know with 8 other adults in the room and 2) sit at the head of a table while everyone is asking you questions and judging your answers. I know that's what interviews are, but... I can always think of better answers when I'm not sitting there in front of people. I really did like the school and the people who interviewed me (other staff members). I think it would be a really fun place to work, and I loved the atmosphere of the place. Very happy, upbeat, and positive - definitely what I'm looking for in a school. He said I should know by early next week one way or the other. Honestly, I'm hoping for, "We'd like to offer you a position here," but I guess we'll see. I still have another interview next Tuesday, and still a job offer in Topeka if all else fails...

Not too much else. We've been prepping this week for ITBS tests. The kids are getting kind of tired of it, but what can you do? I absolutely love the 6th graders. I kind of thought I wasn't going to like them as much after my 9th graders, but I think they're a blast! There's just always something going on and something to do. It's really fast paced, and today I was exhausted because I taught most of the day, but it's fun. I just like the atmosphere and the attitudes of middle school teachers - so much more positive, even when kids are being naughty. I'm teaching a poetry unit next week and then we're starting mystery! I'm really excited about that, I think it will be a lot of fun. At least I hope it is!

I should really go plan lessons or something. Or take a nap. Naps are always a good thing.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Another Interview!

I have an interview with Waukee next Tuesday! It's for half 8th and half 9th Language Arts. I'm pretty excited. At this point, I'm still going back to Topeka to visit the school again, but the middle school job I wanted is closed, and I'm not really sure I want to work in the high school. I wouldn't mind 9th grade so much, but I'm a little apprehensive about teaching any classes that are older, just because I haven't had the experience. I guess we'll see what happens. I'm waiting on my parents to call so I can talk through what I should do about this whole thing. I don't want to give up a job for a job I'm not even really sure I have... but then again, I don't really want to waste other people's time holding onto a job I'm not even sure I want. It will all work out, I'm just trying to figure out exactly how...

The weather is GORGEOUS!!!!! I cannot believe how warm it is! I'm so excited about it. I'd love to go running, but my ankle is currently not very happy with me, and I have dance tonight, so I probably shouldn't push it too much.

I'm exhausted again - that's what I get for sleeping in over Spring Break, I lost my "teacher" stamina! Oh well. C'est la vie :)

I really should go be productive...or take a nap ;)

News!!! I also have an interview with West Des Moines this coming Thursday. I will hopefully have a better idea of where I'm going to be around Easter :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


After my interview with Topeka yesterday, they offered me a job! It's exciting, but kind of scary as well. There are so many factors that go into taking or not taking this job, and I honestly really have no idea where to start. First off, I know I need to get back into the school and talk to more people. Last Friday was not really a good first impression - for me or for the school. I think I also have another interview this coming week for a school in Iowa. Part of me wants to stay in Iowa, and another part of me wants to go back to Kansas. I need to do some major praying about it. I've already talked to pretty much everyone I feel like talking to about it, and no one is really any help. I know this has to be my decision and my decision alone, I just wish it was easier than it is. I should probably know in about 2 weeks where I'm going to be... It's all just kind of crazy!

Typical Kansas day today - 50 mph wind and sunny. It's gorgeous, I just wish it would stay this way through the end of the week, and that it would be like this in Iowa... I won't hold my breath.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring Break!

It's been an interesting spring break already, and I'm only 4 days into it. Wednesday and Thursday I had parent-teacher conferences at East. For the most part, things went really well. It was a loooooong two days though. After conferences each night, the teachers went out. Thursday I actually convinced some of my friends to come out with us. It was really fun, and I'm really going to miss those teachers.

Friday I drove home. I ended up taking home my friend's sister. The drive was fine until we got to Kansas City. It never fails that when I go through KC instead of around it I hit an accident or wreck. Of course we did, and we sat in traffic for a good 30 to 45 minutes. Normally, it wouldn't have been so bad, except I was supposed to be in Topeka to see the school I'm interviewing for. So, I finally go her dropped off and then raced to Topeka. I talked to the principal for a bit and he showed me the school, and I met a teacher or two. The school was very nice, and had a lot going for it. I interview tomorrow, so we'll see what comes of that. I toured the high school though, and I'm pretty sure I'm applying for a middle school job. I'm not even sure that I'm really a good candidate, but we'll see after tomorrow. After I got home, I went to the drive-in theater (Yes, we still have one!) with my friend and her little brothers. We saw Night at the Museum and Eragon. They were ok - I'm glad I didn't pay full price to see either one of them in the theater though.

Saturday I went out to the farm and helped them burn the pastures and grassland. Everything was fine until a gust of wind took something that was burning and started someone else's pasture on fire. It was kind of scary! We ended up burning part of two more people's fields... fortunately most people out there don't care too much. It was more exciting than I was expecting. We celebrated birthdays later, after the fun with fire.

Yesterday and today weren't too eventful- pretty much just hanging out with the family. It was gorgeous yesterday - 70 and sunny, but today it's been raining, which isn't any fun. I guess I could be working on my mystery unit for my 6th graders, but I think I have some time to get that all figured out. :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

6th Grade!!!!

I started my 6th grade placement yesterday. All I have to say is that they have a lot more energy than my 9th graders. They are constantly moving. Also, I now have hall duty because the lockers are right outside my room. That's fine, it just seems like it's a whole other world. They're pretty much exhausting. I think it will be fun, but right now it's kind of daunting.

We have conferences tomorrow and Thursday. I'm going back to East to do conferences, since I pretty much gave them their entire semester grade. It will be nice to meet parents.

I guess after Spring Break we have ITBS tests, and then I'm probably going to do some stuff with a mystery unit. It's going to be interesting though, because the students will all read their own mystery, and then we just do reading strategies with them. It's interdisciplinary though, so that should be fun. Ah, it's all a learning experience. As long as they get something out of it.

It was 70 today!!!! Tomorrow is one more warm day and then it's supposed to get cooler again. However, home is warm and is supposed to stay warm!!! Maybe I'll start working on my tan - I'll need to for summer weddings coming up. We'll see, I have a lot to do over break.

2 days...

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Yesterday was my last day of being with my 9th graders. It didn't really hit me until 5th hour was leaving and one of the students said, "Bye Miss Blasi, you're my favorite student teacher, I'm going to miss you." Then I about started crying. At lunch I about started crying, and after school as well. But, every teacher I've talked to says they feel the same way at the end of the school year... I guess this is one of my ends. They were really fun, and I actually enjoyed teaching Romeo and Juliet, despite my previous qualms about it.

I just spent the morning teaching ballet to Brownie Girl Scouts. It was a lot of fun. It was also kind of nice to have someone be impressed with my ballet skills, instead of me feeling like everyone is so much better than I am. They wanted me to do a dance for them, so I made one up on the spot, because I wasn't prepared for that!

We went to see 300 last night and we ended up sitting in the very front row because we got there late. I didn't really think it was too gory, though some heads did roll... Maybe I'm just jaded from all of the other war movies I'm forced to watch...

It's finally starting to warm up. Our giant icicle died the other day. Here is a picture of what it looked like before it died. I'm excited about it possibly being 60 on Monday and Tuesday, and even more excited that I get to go south for Spring Break where it might be even warmer!!! My mom told me yesterday I might have to help burn CRP fields when I'm home... should be a blast.

I officially have my interview for Topeka over Spring Break. I'm a little nervous about it but excited all at the same time. I hope it goes well.

We're performing at SE Polk tomorrow for Drake Dance Club. It should be pretty fun.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Portfolio is Finished!

I finished my student teaching portfolio this weekend. It's really nice to be done with it and be able to turn it in so I don't have to deal with it anymore. Sometimes I feel like school is just a bunch of useless paperwork. Yes, I know it's important to show that I know multiple strategies and know how to plan and communicate etc. etc., but couldn't they just come into my classroom and observe all of that? Why all of the paperwork and/or extra time spent trying to put it into LiveText when only a handful of administrators really care to see it? Drake says it's important, HR people (those who are actually doing the hiring) don't really care. As if they have time to look through every applicant's portfolio that comes through the office....

I was going to update you on the current state of the giant icicle that is growing outside my apartment window, but my digital camera and I currently aren't talking. Therefore, I cannot show you the massive thing that would probably kill someone if it fell on their head.

I will, however, show you some Romeo and Juliet projects my students have been presenting today. I'm sure tomorrow I'm going to get some more awesome ones, but this is what I have from today. Masks for the party and Globe Models - aren't they awesome!

The East girls are playing in the State Championship on Wednesday. So, though I will most likely need Wednesday afternoon to catch up on grading since I won't have any time tomorrow, I will most likely go and support the school. I think it will be fun. I should probably go try to meet up with my teacher for my middle school placement that starts next week. I'm not sure I'm going to have a whole lot of time to do that this week though. I suppose I'll have to find time. For some reason it's all just caught up with me!

Dance tonight - we're performing on Sunday at SE Polk. It'll be fun, I'm just definitely ready for Spring Break! Intramural indoor soccer starts tomorrow! I'm super excited for that!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Snow Day!!!

We have a snow day today!!! They actually had cancelled school by around 8:30 last night, so I didn't have to still get up at 6 and try to find out if we had school! I'm glad, I really didn't want to be out in this weather. It just keeps snowing. Not big flakes or anything, but the snow and the wind are an evil combination. I'm glad I get to stay inside my warm apartment (that is, as long as the heat continues to work). I'm hoping to be a little productive today, but we'll see how that goes. At least I got all my papers graded last night so I don't have to worry about school stuff right now - just portfolio things. I feel like I should be hearing about interviews soon. Guess we'll see.

Thursday, March 1, 2007


I have 3 standards done in my portfolio, which is really exciting! Only 7 more to go, and I'm discovering that they're becoming easier to do, which is nice, because I'm just ready for that big project to be done.

We got a kind of snow day today - at least we got out at 1:05. That was good because the snow got worse later on. I didn't have to drive to Clive to tutor either, which was nice as well. It's so gross outside right now, but I still have this sinking feeling that we're still going to have school tomorrow. I somehow don't think that the weather is going to be that bad for another 8 hours till 6 am when they will know if they're going to call off school or not. The thing is, in Des Moines they don't have snow days built into the schedule, so if they do have a snow day, then they have to make it up at the end of the year. This just seems really weird to me. I understand not having 5 snow days built in, but it would make sense to have 1 or 2 since Iowa does get snow, regularly. I don't know - I'm not the person in charge...

One more week of the 9th graders, one week with the 6th graders and conferences, then Spring Break!!! (Not that I'm counting or anything) :)

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