Saturday, September 29, 2007

"Reward Day"

I'm beginning to understand a little more about why my high school teachers were always so upset when there were assemblies and things like that. It definitely takes away from teaching time, and makes it very frustrating because you can't get anything done. We had two early out schedules this week, which meant I lost 80 minutes of instruction time in each class this week. Wednesday was a scheduled early out for professional development stuff, but Friday was an early out schedule so that the kids could have a reward day for PBS. Now, if it was something constructive, or they actually received rewards of some sort, I might have been a little more ok with it, but yesterday was just watching the boys play football and playing in the gym. Just a bunch of free time. The kids that didn't have all of their work in had to sit in study hall for 2 hours... I don't know, I know the kids have to be rewarded for doing what they are supposed to do, but at the same time, it is the loss of my class time. On top of that, we are a SINA school in Reading, so every time we don't have class, is time lost trying to get those scores up. I kind of feel like it's a no-win situation. Oh well. I'm also a little upset about the fire drill that's going to take place next week, during my co-lab class. Yay. Heaven forbid we do it during advisory, when we really aren't learning anything per sey. No, we have to do it during class time and lose a whole class. Blah!

I'm being really negative again. I really do love my job and think that it's wonderful. There are just some things sometimes that don't make a whole lot of sense to me. I guess that's the world of a real job - the people higher up make the decisions, and we have to follow them, regardless of how we feel about it.

But, it's the weekend, time to relax and not stress about school. It will all work out in the end, I'm sure of it :)

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