Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I really hate grading essays. As much as I think they are important, and definitely think that students need to write them and be able to write them well, I really don't like grading them. I guess what makes me really not want to read them is when they are horrible because the student(s) either didn't listen to directions and/or have written about something completely unrelated to the topic, haven't changed their writing since the first essay which means they haven't read a single comment you've written and/or didn't listen to directions, or look like they did them in Advisory that morning and didn't spend any time over the weekend working on it. I understand they are busy and have things to do, but school is their job. If I did things the way they do, I'd lose my job. Oh well. I'm hoping I can help them become better writers, sometimes I just feel like I don't have the time.

We're into Adam of the Road now at least. I like doing novels because once I have them planned, I just have to adjust by class period and day, I don't really have to figure out what I'm doing the next day. That will definitely help for Thursday when I have a sub in the afternoon.

At least they still make me smile and laugh. If I ever get to the point where I don't want to go to school and be with the kids, regardless of what else is going on, then I don't need to be teaching anymore...

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