Monday, February 5, 2007


So, I'm definitely ready for it to be warm again. I'm such a baby when it comes to the cold anyway, but even more so when it's below freezing for a really long time! We're supposed to get more snow tonight/tomorrow. I don't really mind the snow so much, it's just the being out there at 7 in the morning trying to get it off my freezing car, that won't warm up till I get to school! Ah, c'est la vie when you live in the semi-north. I don't know how those who live further north deal with it, I know I wouldn't do well.

We didn't do a whole lot for the Super Bowl last night. We just hung out at a friend's house and watched the game and the commercials. I didn't really think they were that good this year. There were some, but not a lot that really caught my eye. I did like the one with the girls in the car and all the guys come up and take their shirts off, and the one with the stray dog that looks like a dalmatian and it gets on the Budweiser wagon.

I feel like I've been really off at school lately. Friday I didn't feel well and still ended up going to school to teach, and today I just felt like I was short with the students who give me the most trouble, even though they weren't even really being problems today. I don't know. They talk about a "teacher slump," but I don't think that's supposed to happen only 3 weeks in. Hopefully the rest of this week will go better - when we're actually doing some more with the play. I just get frustrated sometimes with the students that aren't there for days at a time. I want to catch them up and make sure they're on the same page, but I don't have the time, and I don't feel it's my job to seek them out and make sure they understand. But then again, they are 9th graders and still learning how to play the school game. I just wish they could all be there all the time so we didn't have to do make-up work. I graded all weekend, and I still have papers out. They get progress reports tomorrow, so maybe that will motivate them a little bit. It's still a lot of fun, and I'm slowly starting to get to know the students a little better and make connections with them. I'm interested to see how everything progresses these next few weeks.

Dance tonight, performance at the men's basketball game on Friday. It should be fun!

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