Ok, ok, so it's a little cheesy... However, there's got to be sun somewhere. It's been raining since Monday, and I'm about to go a little crazy. I also haven't worked since Wednesday, so I'm a little stir-crazy. I've been trying to get things out of my room and at least box them up, but I haven't been able to properly motivate myself to do such a thing. I have too much stuff and am not sure I'm going to have the shelf space for all of it when I move in August.
I was really excited to have a whole apartment to myself, a bedroom and an office-space of some sort, but one of my friends suggested yesterday that maybe we could room together. I honestly hadn't thought about having a roommate this year, partially because all of my friends got jobs on different sides of town, so none of us were close to each other. This friend, however, has a job in West Des Moines, which is like 5 minutes from Waukee. There are ups and downs to having a roommate. I was excited about not having to work around anyone else's schedule and habits. However, I did get kind of lonely last year when I was the only one home because my roommate was always gone. It would be nice to have someone else at home to talk to after a bad (or awesome) day at work with 7th graders. This friend is also a teacher, so we'd definitely have something to talk about. Also, the biggest plus side is only having to pay half the rent and half the utilities, which would definitely save us money, and I'd be able to pay off my loans a little faster. I have to do some more thinking about it, and talk to the landlord people when they call this week with whether or not I actually have an apartment. Although I'm pretty sure I do.
I just want to see some sunshine. Sometimes I feel like a plant. I get kind of droopy when I haven't seen the sun. Maybe more like a flower, because our cucumber plants are thriving in this rainy weather...
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
My mom and I went to see Music Theatre for Young People's production of CATS last night. I must say, I was much more impressed with their version than with the actual "Broadway" version that came through a couple of years ago. We could actually hear what the actors were saying, and the dancing was much much much better than what the "professionals" that I saw did. So I say, BRAVO to those "amateurs" who did such a wonderful job last night. At least I wasn't disappointed in them. Maybe it was because I kind of knew what to expect (i.e. no plot line), but I also think they actually cared about what they were doing, unlike the others. I kind of agree with my mom though. Part of me doesn't really understand why that show is such a big deal. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that it's people dressed as animals acting like people, if that makes any sense. The one thing I will say was "better" with the Broadway production was that the actors actually looked like cats - real slinky and sneaky and all of that, but that's their lives, the people that performed last night had only been doing it for two weeks. I can definitely forgive that.
I worked at the snowcone stand Tuesday and Wednesday, and I finished three books. Tells you how busy I was... Oh well. It's a job, it's money, and it's something to do other than sitting around my house and staring at the wall. I could be packing more stuff up, but I'm not really sure where to start, or what I even want to take with me. I suppose I should figure that out sooner or later.
One of my really good friends from high school had a baby last weekend. I need to go up and see him, I just need to figure out when. :)
On another, not so exciting but yes note, I consolidated my loans the other day, so I got the absolutely lowest rate I could get! I'm still going to end up paying thousands in interest, but this way it's a little less, and I'm going to try to pay it off earlier than they have planned for me. My mom and I worked out my "budget." I hate bills. I need a new car, but don't really want to get one because that's one more thing I will have to pay for. Oh well. That's part of being an adult I guess...
I worked at the snowcone stand Tuesday and Wednesday, and I finished three books. Tells you how busy I was... Oh well. It's a job, it's money, and it's something to do other than sitting around my house and staring at the wall. I could be packing more stuff up, but I'm not really sure where to start, or what I even want to take with me. I suppose I should figure that out sooner or later.
One of my really good friends from high school had a baby last weekend. I need to go up and see him, I just need to figure out when. :)
On another, not so exciting but yes note, I consolidated my loans the other day, so I got the absolutely lowest rate I could get! I'm still going to end up paying thousands in interest, but this way it's a little less, and I'm going to try to pay it off earlier than they have planned for me. My mom and I worked out my "budget." I hate bills. I need a new car, but don't really want to get one because that's one more thing I will have to pay for. Oh well. That's part of being an adult I guess...
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Wedding Pictures
Here are some pictures from Adria's wedding!
The flowers
Sarah caught the bouquet!
Adria and I before the wedding.
Sarah and Adria
Adria and Jonathan in the limo on the way to the reception
Sarah and I in the limo!
The colors didn't actually look too bad! :)
I guess I'm supposed to start working at the snowcone stand again today. That should be interesting!

The colors didn't actually look too bad! :)
I guess I'm supposed to start working at the snowcone stand again today. That should be interesting!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Adria's wedding yesterday went wonderful! After, of course, the photographer didn't show up and no one knew where he was, so we had to have a replacement and didn't get to take pictures until after the wedding instead of before. It all ended up working out well though. The ceremony went fine. My godson, Joey, made it down the aisle with a smile on his face instead of the tears and screaming that had been going on earlier due to the tuxedo.... During the congregational hymn, we didn't realize there were five verses, so we started handing the copies in, and then proceeded to drop them, therefore making us and Adria laugh. Good times. Other than that, it was beautiful, and Adria made it through her vows without crying.
We took a limo ride around Wichita after the wedding and before the reception. I was excited because I'd never ridden in a limo before! It was pretty neat, and we managed to fit everyone in it that was supposed to fit in!
The reception and dance was a blast! The DJs were really good. The other maid of honor, Sarah, caught the bouquet, so I guess she'll be next! Although, we pretty much already knew that. :) We had a lot of fun dancing the night away.
So, I survived my coral dress and everything, and I didn't even trip down the aisle or on the steps when I was straightening out Adria's dress. I am definitely exhausted though. I think everything is catching up with me. I can't believe I only have about five more weeks before I move back to Iowa!
We took a limo ride around Wichita after the wedding and before the reception. I was excited because I'd never ridden in a limo before! It was pretty neat, and we managed to fit everyone in it that was supposed to fit in!
The reception and dance was a blast! The DJs were really good. The other maid of honor, Sarah, caught the bouquet, so I guess she'll be next! Although, we pretty much already knew that. :) We had a lot of fun dancing the night away.
So, I survived my coral dress and everything, and I didn't even trip down the aisle or on the steps when I was straightening out Adria's dress. I am definitely exhausted though. I think everything is catching up with me. I can't believe I only have about five more weeks before I move back to Iowa!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Wedding Weekend!
Tonight is rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner for Adria's wedding tomorrow! I really hope the weather clears up, because right now it's 75 and cloudy, definitely not the weather anyone would want for their wedding. Tomorrow there's a chance of isolated thunderstorms, which I hope means that it will be gorgeous and sunny for the wedding and all festivities! I think we're going to try to go bowling tonight after the dinner, but I'm not sure how that's all going to work or who is all going to be there. Tomorrow is the hair appointment, pictures, WEDDING, cake and punch reception, and then the actual reception. I have a feeling it's going to be a loooooong but exciting day! I only hope everything goes well and there are no major glitches or anything. They're opening presents on Sunday morning, so I'm going to try to get over there as well and see at least some of what they got! More to come later, I'm sure!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Ok, so I am finally able to use my computer, which actually lets me upload pictures!!! Here are some pictures from Vegas and Graduation. Wedding pictures are sure to come after this weekend!
This is when I got 5 in a row!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007
Back from Vegas!
Vegas was a blast! We had a lot of fun, did a lot of free things, got a lot of sun, and managed to not want to kill each other ;) I only lost $11 playing slots, so it wasn't too bad. We went to Hoover Dam one day, and then pretty much stayed on the Strip the rest of the time. We went to one show that was really neat! I will try to get pictures up soon. I really wish I could get our wireless to work correctly so I don't have to download pictures onto more than one computer. We shall see.
I got my Education Diploma and my Teaching License in the mail while I was gone. Now I'm just waiting on my English Degree to be posted so I can get that diploma as well.
This week's going to be crazy. Adria's getting married on Saturday! It's hard to believe that it's this coming weekend!
Hopefully more Vegas updates later. Right now, I'm running on 2 hours of sleep...
I got my Education Diploma and my Teaching License in the mail while I was gone. Now I'm just waiting on my English Degree to be posted so I can get that diploma as well.
This week's going to be crazy. Adria's getting married on Saturday! It's hard to believe that it's this coming weekend!
Hopefully more Vegas updates later. Right now, I'm running on 2 hours of sleep...
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Heading to Vegas in just a few short hours! I'm really excited, even more so because it's supposed to rain the rest of the week here and it's going to be gorgeously (is that a word?) sunny and hot while we're there. At least there's no humidity there - my hair would be really really fuzzy! Anywho, more stories from Vegas, perhaps, when I get back!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Busy Busy!
It's been an interesting week. Wednesday, my cousin went home from the hospital. He was glad to get out of there because he was getting bored just sitting in the hospital room and watching T.V., not that he gets to do a whole lot more at home. I went out there Thursday to help take care of him and keep him company. His leg looks really gross! I didn't really look at it all that much while my cousin was changing the dressing - the little bit I could see was enough for me! Friday we had to take him to the doctor. After we tried to kill him with the elevator a few times, (we were not very skilled wheelchair drivers) I don't know why he didn't want to push it himself, but he chose not too, so we continued to have some adventures. He's really doing much better now and is getting stronger and can use his crutches better, so that's good for him and everyone around. Now, we'll see how he does when he gets the skin graft...
Saturday was my Great-Grandma's 100th Birthday! A TON of people came to help her celebrate it. We of course all had to take pictures. There were relatives there that I didn't even realize I was related to! She looked great and actually stood at the door for the first hour or so greeting people. They tried to get her to sit down, but she wanted to stand and meet everyone! The little ceremony and everything was nice, and it was cool to get to see some of my other cousins and relatives that I hadn't seen in awhile. My great-grandma is absolutely amazing. She still remembers everything, and just to think about all that she's lived through is amazing as well. I think they said like 13 or 14 presidents. The Dust Bowl, the Great Depression, two World Wars, Vietnam, Korea, Cold War, the War in Iraq. She's seen the invention of the car, machines, microwaves, cell phones, vaccines, all the conveniences we take for granted today! She still likes to tell stories about her childhood as well!
Saturday night we watched V for Vendetta. It was ok. I think it's one of those movies you really have to think about, and I didn't really feel like thinking too much about what was going on. I got the point, I just really wasn't that impressed.
Wheat harvest was going to start this week, but we had a big storm Saturday night and it's supposed to rain all week. If they do start, it probably won't be until next week sometime, if there's anything left in the fields to cut...
I haven't started packing for Vegas yet. I suppose that's something that I need to do. I'm looking forward to it! It's going to be a blast, even if most of it's spent swimming :)
Saturday was my Great-Grandma's 100th Birthday! A TON of people came to help her celebrate it. We of course all had to take pictures. There were relatives there that I didn't even realize I was related to! She looked great and actually stood at the door for the first hour or so greeting people. They tried to get her to sit down, but she wanted to stand and meet everyone! The little ceremony and everything was nice, and it was cool to get to see some of my other cousins and relatives that I hadn't seen in awhile. My great-grandma is absolutely amazing. She still remembers everything, and just to think about all that she's lived through is amazing as well. I think they said like 13 or 14 presidents. The Dust Bowl, the Great Depression, two World Wars, Vietnam, Korea, Cold War, the War in Iraq. She's seen the invention of the car, machines, microwaves, cell phones, vaccines, all the conveniences we take for granted today! She still likes to tell stories about her childhood as well!
Saturday night we watched V for Vendetta. It was ok. I think it's one of those movies you really have to think about, and I didn't really feel like thinking too much about what was going on. I got the point, I just really wasn't that impressed.
Wheat harvest was going to start this week, but we had a big storm Saturday night and it's supposed to rain all week. If they do start, it probably won't be until next week sometime, if there's anything left in the fields to cut...
I haven't started packing for Vegas yet. I suppose that's something that I need to do. I'm looking forward to it! It's going to be a blast, even if most of it's spent swimming :)
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Now I feel as if I'm in this "countdown" phase to a bunch of different things...
My great-grandma's 100th birthday is this Saturday - 3 days
Vegas with my two best girl friends - 7 days
My best friend's wedding - 17 days
Then on to the rest of my summer. I still haven't decided if I'm going to try to work or not. It really all depends on whether or not something I want to happen happens or not... If if doesn't, I don' t have to work. If it does, which I really really hope it does, I will have to work just to make sure I have some fall back money since I don't get paid until the end of September. It'll all work out. That's also what parents are for!
I went shopping today! I bought new sheets for my bed, towels, shoes, shirts, and some more pants I can work in. I was looking for some cute skirts, but I couldn't find any I really liked. Maybe I'm too picky when it comes to clothes, but I like things to feel comfortable and look good on me, not just be cute and uncomfortable!
I got my final transcript today. Unfortunately, that one credit of A from seminar didn't bring my GPA up - so I'm stuck with Magna Cum Laude and a 3.89. It doesn't have my English degree on there, so I guess I need to figure out if that's important or not.
It's finally starting to warm up here. I was a little concerned - it was a little cool for Kansas in June! I guess they closed my cousin's leg yesterday, guess we'll see if he makes it to Grandma's celebration this weekend. He was having trouble with his chest Sunday when I was there.
Here's to a few more weeks of a "lazy" summer!
My great-grandma's 100th birthday is this Saturday - 3 days
Vegas with my two best girl friends - 7 days
My best friend's wedding - 17 days
Then on to the rest of my summer. I still haven't decided if I'm going to try to work or not. It really all depends on whether or not something I want to happen happens or not... If if doesn't, I don' t have to work. If it does, which I really really hope it does, I will have to work just to make sure I have some fall back money since I don't get paid until the end of September. It'll all work out. That's also what parents are for!
I went shopping today! I bought new sheets for my bed, towels, shoes, shirts, and some more pants I can work in. I was looking for some cute skirts, but I couldn't find any I really liked. Maybe I'm too picky when it comes to clothes, but I like things to feel comfortable and look good on me, not just be cute and uncomfortable!
I got my final transcript today. Unfortunately, that one credit of A from seminar didn't bring my GPA up - so I'm stuck with Magna Cum Laude and a 3.89. It doesn't have my English degree on there, so I guess I need to figure out if that's important or not.
It's finally starting to warm up here. I was a little concerned - it was a little cool for Kansas in June! I guess they closed my cousin's leg yesterday, guess we'll see if he makes it to Grandma's celebration this weekend. He was having trouble with his chest Sunday when I was there.
Here's to a few more weeks of a "lazy" summer!
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Bridal Shower Bust...
So, I had a bridal shower for my best friend today. One person outside of our respective families came... The mother of the other maid of honor didn't even come! I was really disappointed, largely because I'd have very few RSVPs either way, and I was hoping more people would show up. I hope she had a good time - at least enjoyed herself a little bit. I only wish it had been bigger and more fun. Maybe if I'd sent invitations out sooner or something, but maybe not. I know it's a busy time of the year...
My sister's camping with her city friends this weekend. That should be entertaining. Apparently, one of them was playing around yesterday on the dirt/mud roads and got his truck stuck in the ditch... he he! I hope they survived the rain last night - it's supposed to be nicer this weekend for them, so I hope it dries out enough so they can have some fun!
I guess my cousin is doing a little better, though he's still kind of out of it and apparently randomly falls asleep on you. Next weekend is my great-grandma's 100th birthday party, so she's pretty excited about it!!
I see it being yet another fun week around here - maybe I should try to start organizing my books and stuff for when I move back to Iowa.
My sister's camping with her city friends this weekend. That should be entertaining. Apparently, one of them was playing around yesterday on the dirt/mud roads and got his truck stuck in the ditch... he he! I hope they survived the rain last night - it's supposed to be nicer this weekend for them, so I hope it dries out enough so they can have some fun!
I guess my cousin is doing a little better, though he's still kind of out of it and apparently randomly falls asleep on you. Next weekend is my great-grandma's 100th birthday party, so she's pretty excited about it!!
I see it being yet another fun week around here - maybe I should try to start organizing my books and stuff for when I move back to Iowa.
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