Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I think I may finally be on the downside of the craziness. We had Christmas with both sides of my family on Sunday, since we had a blizzard on Saturday. It was nice to get to see my family and hang out with everyone again. On Monday, we drove down to Stillwater, OK to spend Christmas with my sister, since she was working at the dairy. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. We had chili Monday night and opened presents, and Tuesday we had roast and just watched Christmas movies. It was nice to just kind of hang out and not do anything.

Only about a week before I head back to Iowa. This break is going to feel entirely too short. I hope I get to see some of my friends before I leave, but I understand that everyone is busy.

It's supposed to snow more this week, I just hope it doesn't snow when I'm trying to get back to Des Moines!

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