Wednesday, December 5, 2007


The kids are wearing me out! I am just so tired all of a sudden. I'm seriously thinking about taking a "mental health" day sometime soon. I like the routine, but at some points I just feel like I need a break. I can't quite figure out what it is. The kids are starting to break out of the routines we've established and practiced since the beginning of the year. I don't know if it's because they're more comfortable now or if they're just as ready for Christmas break as I am. I don't mind talking and noise in my classroom, but lately it's just really bugged me when they don't do what I ask them to do or they're talking when they're supposed to be reading. Part of it may be the weather - it's colder and darker every day. I guess the thing I have to remember is why I'm there... that, and I really can't think of a good day to take my mental health day! ;)

Our principal told us today that he is retiring in June. That makes me a little sad. I like him a lot. Next year will be interesting because he is retiring and so is one of our deans, so it will be a lot of administrative turnover. It will all turn out o.k., it will just take some adjusting.

I have to make cookies tonight for our holiday get together thing tomorrow. I'm going to try to make them after Advent services tonight. I really just feel like I need to wind down, and church has always done that for me. The cookies I'm making are no-bake cookies, so they shouldn't be too hard to make and shouldn't take that long. I have a meeting at 7 tomorrow morning, so I hope they don't take that long!

It's supposed to snow 3-5 inches tomorrow. That will be fun. I just hope it's a nice snow and the roads aren't too messy.

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