Monday, December 3, 2007

Band Concert!

I just got back from the 7th Grade Band Concert. They sounded really good. I think that the gold team did the best, but they all sounded good. I sometimes wish I'd had the opportunity to play an instrument when I was in grade school - I didn't because we didn't have a band program when I was there - but then again, I have to ask myself when I would have found the time to play an instrument, much less practice one between school, soccer, volleyball, and dance. Oh well. My sister played the flute for a few years, but didn't play much after grade school. My mom tried to teach us to play the piano. I can sight read well enough to get a melody out, but once the songs get to where the bottom and the top aren't the same tempo, my fingers and my brain don't want to cooperate. I guess that's why I dance instead - at least I can make all of those limbs go where they are supposed to when they are supposed to!

This weekend was pretty uneventful. It iced/snowed on Saturday, making it so that I refused to go anywhere if I had to drive. Sunday was better because the roads were clear and I was able to go to dance. Other than that, I got some grading done and caught up on some reading. I really needed to get some Christmas shopping done, but it didn't happen. I hope I can find some time next weekend to go, because otherwise I don't know when it will get done. I can't believe it's only 3 weeks until Christmas break! I'm sure the time will fly by - it's been a fast 4 months of teaching already.

I haven't heard anything about my great-grandma, so I'm assuming she's doing o.k.

I hope the snow stays away, because then maybe I'll be able to get something taught and my classroom won't implode...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.

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