Yesterday was my last day of being with my 9th graders. It didn't really hit me until 5th hour was leaving and one of the students said, "Bye Miss Blasi, you're my favorite student teacher, I'm going to miss you." Then I about started crying. At lunch I about started crying, and after school as well. But, every teacher I've talked to says they feel the same way at the end of the school year... I guess this is one of my ends. They were really fun, and I actually enjoyed teaching Romeo and Juliet, despite my previous qualms about it.
I just spent the morning teaching ballet to Brownie Girl Scouts. It was a lot of fun. It was also kind of nice to have someone be impressed with my ballet skills, instead of me feeling like everyone is so much better than I am. They wanted me to do a dance for them, so I made one up on the spot, because I wasn't prepared for that!
We went to see 300 last night and we ended up sitting in the very front row because we got there late. I didn't really think it was too gory, though some heads did roll... Maybe I'm just jaded from all of the other war movies I'm forced to watch...

It's finally starting to warm up. Our giant icicle died the other day. Here is a picture of what it looked like before it died. I'm excited about it possibly being 60 on Monday and Tuesday, and even more excited that I get to go south for Spring Break where it might be even warmer!!! My mom told me yesterday I might have to help burn CRP fields when I'm home... should be a blast.
I officially have my interview for Topeka over Spring Break. I'm a little nervous about it but excited all at the same time. I hope it goes well.
We're performing at SE Polk tomorrow for Drake Dance Club. It should be pretty fun.
I just spent the morning teaching ballet to Brownie Girl Scouts. It was a lot of fun. It was also kind of nice to have someone be impressed with my ballet skills, instead of me feeling like everyone is so much better than I am. They wanted me to do a dance for them, so I made one up on the spot, because I wasn't prepared for that!
We went to see 300 last night and we ended up sitting in the very front row because we got there late. I didn't really think it was too gory, though some heads did roll... Maybe I'm just jaded from all of the other war movies I'm forced to watch...

It's finally starting to warm up. Our giant icicle died the other day. Here is a picture of what it looked like before it died. I'm excited about it possibly being 60 on Monday and Tuesday, and even more excited that I get to go south for Spring Break where it might be even warmer!!! My mom told me yesterday I might have to help burn CRP fields when I'm home... should be a blast.
I officially have my interview for Topeka over Spring Break. I'm a little nervous about it but excited all at the same time. I hope it goes well.
We're performing at SE Polk tomorrow for Drake Dance Club. It should be pretty fun.
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