Thursday, November 29, 2007


I hate paying bills. It seems like I am suddenly spending more and more money on stuff, and I'm trying to figure out how to stop it. I guess part of it is that I went home last week, and that was extra gas money I don't usually spend. And, it's Christmas season so I have to buy presents. I'm going to see The Nutcracker next weekend and then the Rockettes the weekend after that, so I guess money goes there too. It's a good thing I got a bonus from the teacher quality money. I was going to try to pay off some more of my loans with that extra money, but I think I'll just save it back and hope that I don't have to use it. I will probably pay a bit more this month on my loans than previous months, but not as much as I was originally planning on paying.

It's now officially cold! My room is always freezing as well - so that makes for fun teaching. At least the kids don't really complain too much.

Today I was very impressed with my last class. They were working on a reading, and I had to leave the room. I asked one of the student teachers to just step in while I was gone. The students didn't even realize that someone else was in the room! They were very engaged in their work. I hope it shows in their assignments!

Next week they are going to be teaching fables to their peers. That will be interesting to see how it all turns out.

I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. This week has been a long one.

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